
Woodfrog, Sculpture
The Woodfrog is a large scale sculpture, built from the remains of broken, unusable, or unwanted musical instruments, given life again in a form that once again may sing and shout via the wheezing accordion that adorns the creature’s back.

1 upright piano/ 2 electric organs/ 2 pump organs/ 1 guitar/ 1 accordion/ 1 saxophone

To ‘play’ this piece, simply stand behind the creature and put your right hand into the leather strap, and your left hand on the side that houses many small black keys. Now, by pulling and pushing with your right hand, press the keys with your left hand to create varying chords. Some will be major, some minor, or more. Press multiple keys to create larger, wilder chords, aiding the woodfrog in the production of its song. In doing so, you now are a dear friend of the frog, sharing a wonderful duet of your mind with its body.

Sculpture    4 x 5 x 5    $5,000.00